We have scouted around the world to find some of the most insane restaurants for you. From dining in a treepod to actually dining in a waterfall. A lot of the fun is in the adventure that is involved in just getting to the table but we promise once you get there it will all be worth it.

Dine in a Treepod in Thailand 

treepod thailandTreepod dining thailand

Private bamboo pods hang about twenty feet off the ground on a remote Thai island of Kood. At Soneva Kiri, you enter into the pod at ground level and are hoisted high up into the tropical foliage of Kood’s ancient forest. The pods hang like a birds nest in the forest overlooking the stunning shoreline.

If that wasn’t impressive enough you also get your own personal waiter who delivers the finest gourmet cuisine via a zip-line. Have refreshing breakfast, lazy lunch or a candlelit dinner in the treetop the choice is yours!


Dine at the Highest Restaurant in Europe in the French Alps

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Right at the top of Aiguille du Midi is the restaurant Le 3842. The highest restaurant in the whole of Europe and is only accessible by a cable car. Le 3842 has been offering this unique experience for more than 50 years and gets its name as it located at a height of 3,842 m.

Before you even arrive at the restaurant the 360-degree view from the cable car ride will have you in awe and its only gets better from here. At a height of 3,777m, the Aiguille du Midi and its terrace continue to offer a 360° view of all the French, Swiss and Italian Alps. The chef at Le 3842 offers traditional cuisine, experience the flavours of the Alps all made from locally sourced and grown produce while enjoying the magnificent panoramic view of the Mont-Blanc range.  It is truly a surreal dining experience.


Dine Under a Waterfall in the Philippines

Labassin Waterfalls

If you’re ever in the Philippines and after a unique dining experience, the Waterfalls Restaurant in Villa Escudero resort will blow your mind away. Yes, that’s right a restaurant underneath a waterfall. Bamboo tables sit right next to this man-made Labasin waterfall and offer traditional Filipino buffet lunch while you soak your feet in the shallow running water. After your meal, make sure you dunk your head in the waterfall to cool down from the heat. Afterall getting wet is half of the fun!

Along with this memorable experience, Villa Escudero gives you a chance to enjoy Philippines’ untouched natural treasures. It is Nestled in a historic coconut plantation and there are plenty more activities to keep you busy, from paddling a native bamboo raft on still waters of the river to bird watching and excursions to nearby villages.

 Dine on a Floating Boulder in Zanzibar, Tanzania

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The Rock Restaurant in Zanzibar sits 22 meters above the Indian Ocean. What used to be an old fisherman’s post is now home to one of the worlds most iconic restaurants primarily due to its unique location. During a low tide, you can walk to this restaurant however when the tide rises the only way to reach this floating restaurant is by a boat from the cost of Zanzibar.

The journey is all part of the fun and once you arrive you will completely lose yourself in the 360- degree view of the Indian Ocean. The menu features local seafood from lobster to king prawns all heated on the gill. Yum!


Dine in a Limestone Cave in Italy

italy most insane restaurantscave restaurant italy puglia

The Grotta Palazzese restaurant in Puglia, Italy is tucked inside a jagged limestone cliff  74 feet above sea level. With breathtaking views of Adriatic Sea, this one of a kind restaurant which is only open in summer has hosted elegant dinners and weddings dating back to the 18th century.

Thanks to the dim lighting, refection from the water and the lovely backdrop The Grotta Palazzese has a romantic feel to it.  If you are visiting Southern Italy be sure to visit this unique hidden gem. It’s not every day you get to visit a cave for a fancy dinner. The cliffside tables are known to be the best tables but they get booked up pretty quickly so if you are planning to visit be sure to plan ahead.